I was asked by many people to tell me the way to protect your orkut account.PLese reply and show your feed backThis Simple Tutorial will Save you from Spam mails andHacking Tricks used by Many hackers.
As you know you can hide your primary email address from non-friends but if by mistake you add a unknown person to your friend list, then he/she will be able to see your primaryemail address which you use to login. He can send dangerous emails (keyloggers etc.) and steal your Orkut account. There are two Methods to be safe:
1. Changing Primary Email:
Go To Edit Profle Page of your profile, then click on COntact tab and change your PrimaryEmail address to some other id, which you don't use much. Your login id will remain same but your friends will see your other email id.
2. Using Fake EMail id:
It is the most effective way of hiding email id, but it requires a new account, If you have some larger communities and want safety, then follow this method:
Create a new Orkut account, On the Sign Up page enter any id which does not exist like yourname@yourname.com, me@orkutaccount.com etc.
Then after entering other details, you will be redirected to your home page and with a message "Verify Your Email", Just igonore it and do as stated below
Now Go to google.com, you will see your fake id on the top-right corner yourname@yourname.com, You can see "My Account" Option there.
Go To "My Account Page" and create a gmail id from there. (You can see it under Try Some More)
Done! You have your new login id but your friends will still see your fake id :| Enjoy
The smile pockets a rattling controversy.
ReplyDeleteThis professional hacker is absolutely reliable and I strongly recommend him for any type of hack you require. I know this because I have hired him severally for various hacks and he has never disappointed me nor any of my friends who have hired him too, he can help you with any of the following hacks:
-Phone hacks (remotely)
-Credit repair
-Bitcoin recovery (any cryptocurrency)
-Make money from home (USA only)
-Social media hacks
-Website hacks
-Erase criminal records (USA & Canada only)
-Grade change
Email: cybergoldenhacker at gmail dot com